Knowledge was tested and one team claimed the glory!

On October 19 and November 16th, we had our popular trivia night here at the Bean Museum! Our October theme was centered around Halloween. Questions ranged from deadly decomposers to frightening fables and even included a horror movie trivia speed round! Participants sat next to specimens that they believed could scare the other teams. During this event, participants were shocked to learn about the grim truth of fungi and the romantic history behind bobbing for apples. The winners of this event won due to their knowledge of some of Hollywood's most iconic horror movies. They slashed out their competition and won some coveted Bean Museum bucket hats to prove it.

November’s trivia night was a super event all about superpowers and superheroes! Participants were challenged with questions about real superpowers that both animals and plants possess and knowledge of their favorite superheroes. Everyone learned about exploding trees, and fruits, and the super strength of ants. Both of these events gave cookies to everyone as a consolation prize. Both of these events were completely sold out, and people were asking when the next event was going to be! Both of these nights were beyond exciting here at the Bean Museum.

Angie, museum educator