2023 September Trivia Night Report Skip to main content

2023 September Trivia Night Report


Trivia night at the Bean Life Science Museum this Saturday was “paw”sibly the most cat-filled fun ever! Nine tough teams joined us to test their knowledge of not just our legendary mascot Cosmo, but his real-life counterparts, cougars! Also included in “Cosmo’s Conundrums” were questions about other big cats, smaller species of cats, and famous cats, such as Shasta.

Teams got to pick their own mascots to represent them as well, and they sure did get creative with their names! We were happy to have the “Under-quail-ified quails” along with “You better put a ringtail cat on it” joining us.

We congratulate “Cats (2019)” on their close win!

Not a purr could be heard over the excited discussion and cries of exclamation we had this Saturday at the Bean!

Lexia, museum educator